Sunday, December 12, 2010

Collectors Syndrome

On the day of the Singapore Toys Games Comics Convention, I got to know through Facebook that both my cousins in California and Japan were reminiscing their past hobbies. What a coincidence. My cousin in California was showcasing his toy purchases and the other in Japan was competing in a Magic cards tournament, while I in Singapore was attending a convention.

I managed to chat with my cousin in California and was even trying to get him to search for my toys to complete the collection. Through our conversations, I suddenly thought of cataloging all the collections I had since I started 14 years back.

So I came home and noted all the collections. The pictures of my collections are in Classification of a Geek album. And below are the breakdown of what I've spent throughout the 14 years. Do note that the total is a rough calculation and does not include the collections that I gave away or managed to sell.

The Breakdown(as cataloged in the album):
- My 870+ comics                                       $3702.00
- Eminem action figure                                 $35.00
- DC Direct action figure                               $30.00
- DC comics Superhero Collection                $224.25
- 1/6 Action figure                                        $89.90
- Star Wars: Episode I collection                  $35.00
- Buffy the Vampire Slayer action figures       $350.00
- Danger Girls action figure                          $30.00
- Neca TMNT                                              $150.00
- TF: K.O. Combiners                                  $30.00
- TF: Robots in Disguise                               $194.60
- TF: Robot Masters                                     $45.00
- TF: Armada                                               $49.80
- TF: Alternators/Binaltech                            $530.00
- TF: Animated                                             $980.30
- TF: Revenge of the Fallen                            $271.30
- TF: ROTF Human Alliance                           $209.70
- TF: Generations                                          $53.80
- TF: Alternity                                                $85.00

Not in album:
- Marvel Universe 3.75"                                   $94.50
- G.I. Joe: Rise of Cobra 3.75"                         $75.60

TOTAL DAMAGE:                                       $7265.75

I was actually expecting the collection to hit $10K. Apparently, some of the items I own worth more than the actual cost, hence it might worth up to $10K. For now, I'll just spent to hit my $10K mark and call it a quit. Don't worry, it would not be anytime soon because I'm slowing down on my collection drastically.

Ja Matta!