Friday, September 10, 2010

Truly a Blessed Hari Raya

Selamat Hari Raya to all.

As the days grew nearer, I did not feel the excitement for Raya as I did not prepare myself much for the celebration. I fell ill on the week of Raya and was also scheduled to work on the eve and on the day itself.

I too gave up on my work and had a talk with my boss. She consulted me not to give up and it was quite supportive(she called in the wee hours of the night right after I sent out the sms). But I still wish to leave and she still supported me with the decision. Her only advice is to leave with my head stood high and not to leave with a sense of defeat. I truly will.

And on the eve of Hari Raya, my gastric problem kicked in again that I had to visit the A&E in the early morning again. I was given another stronger dose of med to rid the pain. I was given 2days MC and managed to switch around my shift coverage, but my poor supervisor will work extra hard and I will come back in the morning of Hari Raya just like the previous year.

But this time, my Boss stood in. She came in the evening to relieve my supervisor and gotten another person to close the store. She also got my supervisor to come in the next morning, just so that I can rest at home on Hari Raya.

It is truly a great Hari Raya, I managed to buka at home on the last day of Ramadhan(even though I'm unable to fast) and also managed to go for my morning Aidilfitri prayers at Sultan Mosque. I am grateful to do it this year since I wasn't able to the previous year.

On top of that, when I got home, I check my inbox and received an email the previous night about an interview for CADET PILOT on 24 Sept. OMG!!! Finally they contacted me. I was soooo happy. And after reading and sharing it with my mum and friends, I received a call from my old friend whom I haven't caught up with for ages. He came over to pass some Hari Raya treats for my family and we managed a quick catch-up.

I'm really grateful how this year Hari Raya turned out. I get to celebrate Aidilfitri at home, caught up with an old friend,  and of course the possibility to achieve a dream.
