Sunday, September 19, 2010

14 Days of Hospitalisation Leave: Week 1

It's just the third day of my 14 days hospitalisation leave. It seems awesome and it may seem not. Some say it's too long but some say it'll be good for me to recover. I had both feelings. 14 days!! What the hell am I supposed to do? Some say I could go for a Eurotrip, or swim to Hong Kong and back, or even swim to Indonesia and travel from state to state and swim back, all within 14 days. Travel is an option but I choose not to.

This post is actually out of boredom. I'll be posting things I did over the 14 days so I can see what have I progressed over the days. It may seem redundant, to you but not to me. Well here goes.

Day 1:
Day of hospitalisation. Slept the first half of the day. Visits by relatives and friends.
Completed remaining 100+ pages of Dan Brown's The Lost Symbol
2 comics

Day 2:
Day of discharge. Slept from noon till evening. Family time
6 comics (while waiting to be discharged)

Day 3:
Observation of bowel movements(checking of stool color), trying to regain strength to step out of the house to Tampines Mall but failed, Visit by Din
10 comics
Superman/Batman: Apocalypse

Day 4:
Testing my strength to go out to Tampines Mall for breakfast. 2 hours outside and I came home drained. Updating of portfolio
6 Comics
Resident Evil: Afterlife 3D

Day 5:
Photo for portfolio, Disheartening Visual Test
6 Comics

Day 6:
Another stay-home day: Sleeping, reading and movies
10 Comics
Grown Ups

Day 7:
Started to do a bit of work, the pressure and stress of doing it caused my stomach to react again. Gastric attack around late morning. Drown by meds and slept throughout the day