Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Gastronomical Encounter

My my my... My gastric problem is getting bad to worst. I just visited the A&E on the eve of Hari Raya. Over 4 days, the symptoms doesn't change and the gastric attacks occurs regularly at 2am and will normally last till 5-6pm.

And on the fourth day, I vomited blood. That freaked me out and decided to surrender myself to the hospital, this time to SGH instead of CGH since 3 A&E visit there showed no results and booking of gastro appointment the following month.

I asked my mum for help since my godbro was dead asleep. My parents heard me coming in and out of the room too frequently over several nights so they were prepared to send me to SGH. True enough the triage sent me to observation and X-Ray and soon admitted to a ward and a check at the endoscope centre.

I love going to the hospital to visit but it's a different feeling now. It's truly an experience. The needles! My god, I didn't even look when the nurse placed the catheter on me.
Hakimbo would have loved to put this on me instead
 And the endoscope check was another experience. Firstly, the spray some gel into my throat and then asked me to swallow it. When swallowed, I could feel the gel burning down the asophagus and widening it. Next, and luckily they put me to sleep. Lastly, they start to probe. I could actually feel the scope going down the throat and even felt it when I gag/vomit while I was unconscious.

So after several hours and rest, the lead doctor informed me my diagnosis. I was diagnosed with a Mallory-Weiss tear and gastroenteritis as a secondary diagnosis. I had 3 tear along my stomach lining caused by excessive and forced vomiting. The doctor continued my "NIL by Mouth" status so that I can recuperate my stomach and some vaccine to reduce the production of gastric acid. I was being observed over the night and was told that I'll be discharged the following day.

I would like to thank all that came to visit me; my siblings, Latiff, my aunt and uncle who were around SGH for check up, the Gang (Hakimbo, Lynn, Bob, Rayyan, Bishri and Mash) and my Operations Manager. I would also like to thank all those that messaged me their well wishes through Facebook and SMS (Sorry if I didn't reply you) and Starbucks for the lovely fruit basket and flowers (Damn I was on NIL by Mouth status). And of course, I would like to thank my parents for accompanying me and dealing with all the administration.

First half of the Gang due to max 4 visitors entry
Second Half of the Gang
A surprised when I woke up in the middle of the night
  And now I have 2 weeks of hospitalization leave. Awesome!!!

Ja Matta