I've been pretty quiet of late. Nothing interesting really happened. I've been drowned in work and my personal life is at a standstill. Well, not really. I'm happy with whatever things that have been going on, just that it's not worth typing about.
After almost a year, I finally received the best news ever. I'M GOING BACK TO SCHOOL FINALLY! The countless applications finally got through and I'll be doing something of a personal and career interest, Aerospace. To add up to the stress of work, now I'll include the stress of school. It's stressfully exciting.
It'll be a journey ahead but the stress started before my school starts. Even though I'm applying under my employment scholarship, the acknowledgement was a bit late to process the initial fee. So I had to make the official payment for the first semester and claim when my scholarship is up. STRESS!!! With a downturn of finances the last couple of months, I have to apply a quick loan to settle the fees and payback once the scholarship is up.
Freaking thing is, my SingPass was blocked again by an idiotic internet lag. Now I need to go over to CPF center to reset the password before I can apply for loan. Such Fun!
Really, I must be insane in the brain to be happy for more stress. LOL... I'm just happy that I can broaden my learning capacity (as if I can't on my own - actually hard to classify my competency without quiz and examinations. HAHAHAHAHA). Oh, I also have to reschedule my January Beijing Trip now. Look like it's either in end Jan or early Feb. Till then, I'm like soooooooooo excited y'all.